Ancient History

Ancient Kingdoms

Tarumanagara (358 - 669)
  • Sudanese kingdom
  • Attacked and defeated by Srivijaya around 650
  • Religions : Animism and Buddhism

Borobudur BuddhistTemple
Srivijaya (7th – 13th Centuries)
       Capital: Palembang, Jambi, Chaiya
       Languages: Old Malay, Sanskrit
       Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism
       Government: Monarchy
       Currency: Native gold coins and silver
       Coastal trading centre
       Building of the Buddhist famous temple Borobudur
       Important centre for Buddhist exapansion 8-13th Century
       Stronghold of Vajrayana  Budhhism à attracted many Buddhist 
pilgrims and scholars all over Asia.

Sailendra (8th – 9th Centuries)
       Co-existed with Medang Kingdom
       Based in Central Java
       Middle of 9th Century: Collapse of Sailendra kingdom
à Peaceful relationship btwn Sailendra and Medang deteriorates
Conflicting historian theories about Sailendra : ruling family / dynasty of Medang itself.

Padrao of Sunda Kalapa
Commemorating the
Sunda - Portugese treaty
Sunda Kingdom (669 – 1579)
       Capital: Pukuan Pajajaruan, Kalawi
       Languages: Sanskrit, Sudanese
       Religion: Sunda Wiwitan, Hinduism, Buddhism
       Government: Monarchy
       Currency: Native gold and silver coins
       King Tarusbawa from Sunda Sambawa
       Tarumanagara Kingdom declining due to invasions of Srivijaya
       Renamed Tarumanagara Kingdom as Sunda Kingdom
       Economy relied highly on agriculture (rice cultivation)
       Main producer of high quality pepper
       Forceful invasion of the army of Paletehan (Fadillah Khan) into Sunda Kalapa (1487 – 1570)
       Commander of Sunda Kingdom, royal minster and the people who worked at the habor all lost their lives.
       Portuguese were no longer welcomed in Sunda Kalapa.

Medang Kingdom (752 – 1045)
       Hindu- Buddhist Javanese Kingdom
       Capital: Central Java, East java
       Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit
       Religion: Kejawen, Hinduism, Animism, Buddhism
       Government: monarchy
       Currency: Masa and Tahil (local gold and silver coins)
       Based in Central Java
       Between 8th – 10th century CE
       By 850 dominant power of Java
       Ruled by Sanjaya dynasty ; First king of Medang : King Sanjaya
       Serious rival to Srivijaya kingdom
       During mid 9th – 10th century: witnessed blossoming of literature, culture and art.
       Translation of Hindu-Buddhist texts
       Transmission and adaptation of Hindu-Buddhist ideas
       Kakawin Ramayana written (old Javanese rendering)

Kediri (1045 – 1221)
Srikandi Mask, Kediri Style
       Indianized Kingdom (Hinduism)
       Capital : Daha (or Kadiri)
       Religion: Animism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Kejawen
       Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit
       Government: Monarchy
       Currency: Native gold and silver coins
       Main occupations of people:
à Rice cultivation
à Animal farming (cattle, boar, poultry)
à Spice trade
   ·         Later the Kediri economy became more dependent on the spice trade
   ·         Result of Kediri’s development of navy, which allowed the Kediri to control the spice trade routes to eastern islands.

Singhasari (1222 – 1292)
Monument in remembrance of the
last Singhasari King,
King Kertanegara
       Capital: Tumapel
       Languages: Old Javanese, Sanskrit
       Religion: Kajawen, Hinduism, Animism, Buddhism
       Government: Monarchy
       Currency: Native gold coins and silver
       King Kertanegara claims weak remains of Majapahit
       Majapahit becomes part of Singhasari
       Pamalayu Expedition led by Admiral Mahesa Anabrang, one of intentions to secure the Malayan strait from sea pirates and Mongolian invasion
       Expanded Singhasari territory, controlling other kingdoms, sending troops and expeditions to 
Kalimantan and Malaku, making an alliance with the King of Champa (Vietnam)

       King Kertanegara does not submit to Mongolian demands for submission and sends Mongol envoy back disfigured.
       King Kertanegara assassinated in a surprise attack during a Hindu holy festival by Jayakatwang.
       Jayakatwang ursurps the throne
       Raden Wijaya, one of the King’s son-in-laws flees
       When Mongol army comes, tricks them into destroying Jayakatwang 
       Raden Wijaya then attacks the exhausted Mongolian army
       Mongolians retreat, Raden Wijaya starts the Majapahit empire.

Golden celestial nymph
of the Majapahit era
Majapahit (1293 – 1500)
       Capital: Majapahit
       Languages: Old Javanese (main) , Sanskrit (religious)
       Religion: Kejawan, Hinduism, Buddhism, Animism
       Government: monarchy
       Currency: Native gold and silver coins, Kepeng (coins imported from China and later produced locally)
       Defeated Srivijaya in 1290
       Great prosperity due to two factors:
  1. Fertile northeast lowlands of Java suitable for rice cultivation
  2. Majapahit’s ports on north coast important stations along the spice route of Malaku – as spices passed through Java, Majapahit made profits.
       . Declined after succession struggle resulted by death of Hayam Wuruk’s death

Portugal Flag then
Portuguese (1512 - 1850)
  • First Europeans to reach the country
  • Wanted to dominate the spice trade
  • Also propagated Christianity to the locals
  • Established trading posts and forts
  • Imprint of Portuguese culture on the local
  • Dutch colonialism led to only control of Solor, Flores and Timor, but ultimately, lost in maintaining control of the spice trade